Monday, November 17, 2008


Nadi (pronounced Nand-ee) is a tourist trap. We had one week in Fiji so we wanted to make the best of it. We knew we wanted to see a little island with a pretty beach but in Fiji, the choices are endless. Our bank account is not endless. Steering clear of the expensive, hugely advertised, all inclusive, picture pecfect Fijian islands, we weren't left with much but...Cunqalai (pronounced Cung ga lai.) To get there was the real endeavour! It took a 4 hour bus ride across Fiji's biggest island to the hideous capital "Suva," another 1 1/2 hour bus to the ferry terminal, 1 hour ferry, 1 hour of bussing to the town of Levuka, 30 minutes on a motorboat....and we were there! we actually split this journey up into 3 days since the ferries busses and motorboats just don't coordinate with each other!
Rain Tree Lodge
We were forced to spend one night in the capital "Suva" and so we opted for a 20 minute bus ride out of town to the Rain Tree Lodge. You would never guess Suva was so nearby when you are surrounded by thick jungle rainforest. It was beautiful. The next morning we did a 3 hour hike in a protected area of the jungle to some waterfalls and swimming holes with a rope swing.....before getting back on the bus.
We arrived in Levuka to find that the motorboat to Cunqalai didn't leave until the following day, but that was okay. The town was full of smiling fijians, bunny old battered looking shops and a smell of fish that you could slice with a knife. The following day the tuna cannery burst into flames! We watched huge billows of black smoke erupt upwards. Often there were explosions and great bursts of flames shot up. Hoards of people lined the streets to watch the madness - the whole town was watching! It appeared as though the entire cannery was engulfed but we learned from others who had been closer that only one of the many large buildings was on fire. The fire fighters were doing there best to keep the fire from spreading to the post office and to the gas station just across the road! We wondered if the post card we had mailed earlier that moring was ever going to make it to Canada.

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