Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Zealand Weeks 3 & 4

We were on a mission to cycle up 90 mile beach to Cape Reinga. Lucky for us the beach is in fact only 90 km long and we were starting 20 km from the south end. Buses and trucks went up and down the beach everyday but they had to watch the tide and so did we. We rose, ate, and were riding at 8 - our earliest departure to date! What a novelty to cycle on the beach! The novelty soon wore off and after four hours the tide was too high to proceed. Being somewhere in the middle of 90 mile beach, we reckoned it would be alright to hang about in the nude! Two hours later we hopped back on the bikes and did the last 15 km to Paki Stream. It took us 1 1/2 hours to push our bikes 3 km through the shallow water and soft sands to where the gravel road began. We gave our bikes a bath and pedaled our way up the gravel road. The kiwis call the gravel roads "metal roads" and this one did feel a bit like pedaling through jagged lumps of metal. Arriving was heavan. The campsite was a hole. Our 70 km day took us 7 hours! ouch.

We opted to hitch hike the 20 km of gravel road from Waitiki Landing to Cape Reinga. It was one of our better decisions. The Cape and Lighthouse were picturesque. A two hour long trail climbed and fell along the shoreline with stunning views of the cape and led us down to a beach named Tapotupotu. We set our tent up in the green grassy campground under a pohutakawa tree with brilliant red flowers. We stretched out on the pure white sand until the sun warmed our toes. We body-surfed in the cool blue waves.

A few days later we cycled through the Waipoua Forest with it's towering Kauris. The kauri trees are absolutely enormous. Not enormously tall. Enormously wide. They have the most stout cylindrical straight trunks that support half a dozen thick limbs that reach skyward in a random haphhazard fashion. Much like a thick fore arm supporting a hand with crooked fat fingers. The bark is quite thin and riddled with fantastic patterns. That night we went on an after dark mission to see a kiwi bird. We tip-toed through the forest, our ears straining to hear the slightest rustle of this nocturnal flightless bird. We saw other nocturnal creatures like glow worms, crayfish, and fresh water eels, but the kiwi was seemingly not there. Finally a rustle just off the path stopped us dead. It was a kiwi! As we watched it slowly make its way through the ferns deeper into the darkness we were filled with a rush of excitement.

The following day, just outside a fish 'n' chips takeaway in Dargaville, my bike's derailer and chain we jammed into the rear wheel's spokes. The result - the day was done. After a bus to Auckland we located a bike shop, "T White's Bikes." Tim's shop was recommended to us by the chaps we bought our bikes from in Vancouver. Such a swell guy, he got us going as quick as he could. To give speed to the process I was sent on missions for parts throughout the city. It was good times kicking it with Tim in his sweet as shop. Tim has spent many summers in Vancouver and has even ridden the Salt Spring Island Skate Park! He taught us heaps about bikes and gave us a CRAZY good deal on the parts and labour. We owe Tim big time.

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