Sunday, December 7, 2008

New Zealand Week 1 & 2

We plunged into our bicycle tour full of expectations. We expected good weather. Early summer New Zealand, North Island, these things meant good weather to us. Instead we found ourselves cycling through all-of-a-sudden torrential downpours, ever-changing wacky winds, and even a 100 kph wind storm that marooned us at our campsite for 2 days. For some reason we expected less hills and our wee legs have suffered at the hands of these unexpected devils. We expected less traffic. For a country with a population of 4 1/2 million there are a lot of the buggers on the road! We expected more cyclist - I guess we are the only nutters who do this kind of thing! And finally we expected to cover some ground...rather quickly. On our last bike trip we averaged over 95 km per day and so far our average is 55 km and we have only cycled 8 out of 14 days! It hasn't helped us that I was ill with a mysterious body rash and mild fever and Laura is quite obviously pregnant. I guess moving slow is just the way we roll. What we never expected was such a hospitable nation. Kiwis are good people. More that a time or two have we had our ears talked off, had gifts pushed into our arms, been given heaps of advice, and warned "be careful, kiwis drive fast!" And nothing could be more truthful.

It has been most pleasant slipping back into the simplicity of travelling together - living out of our tent, cooking meals crouched over our wee little stove, reading to one another, and getting heaps of sleep! The little one is becoming quite active. Little thumps and squirms make it clear that it is not interested in being left out of the adventure. One day i would like to mention is the day we took a ferry from the beautiful town of Russel to the largest island in the "Bay of Islands," named Urupukapuka. We hiked from the island's dock our campsite, made camp and then set out on a tramp. It took us 4 1/2 hours to complete the trail around Urupukapuka. The views from the bluffs and hill tops were magnificent! Returning to our campsite we lay down for a little nap. We awoke 2 hours later starving hungry! That evening as we lay in bed I felt the little one for the first time with my hand on Laura's tummy.


Unknown said...

Hello Jeff and Laura,
It's so exciting to hear you are feeling the baby move. I remember many moments of simply feeling my belly, being connected with the little one inside.

It sounds like your trip has had some suprises and that you are taking them in your stride. Such fun the two of you have together. You have some wonderful, beautiful memories.

Don and I are going to Melaque on Dec. 16 and will be home Jan 6. We will not be having Christmas with the kids this year which will be so strange for us. We will have Christmas with Sooz and Bruce.

Our family had a big Christmas party at Grandma Dan's house with all the Aunts and Uncles (Millerds and Whitakers - me)and Cousins. It was tons of fun. MacGregor played his tenor saxophone and did a wonderful job - he got an A in music. Hannah and Paige both sang a song on their own and did a wonderful job. Kate brought some song sheets and we sang a few carols. We did really well!!! We had so much fun. We thought of you and we talked about having two new members of the family at our next Thanksgiving - hope you three can come!!

Anyway, love you both and Merry Christmas.

Auntie Mary

frances said...

Hey guys - i was showing my coworker your blog because she's from New Zealand. She says it'll be getting hotter soon and also to mention that there are alps in the south island! i'm sure you knew that but it would be an awful surprise if somehow you didn't. i think 55 km per day is pretty impressive.


kate leblanc de la rosa said...

hey you too!
it's kate and carlos. we're in Oaxaca city right now after a week on the beach in Chacahua (hot and just about deserted!), and a night in the mountains of San Jose del Pacifico. we're thinking of you guys tons! carlos is real happy to be getting his pan and lechita every night.
we love you guys!
kate and carlos